Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Week Six!

Hey there! Sorry I'm a little behind this week seems the more we get into summer the less down time I have, which is fantastic for my blog but bad for my writing time. Lots to share about this week and particularly the weekend! 

Exercise, who knew it could be so much fun!

I have yet to note an important fact, while getting out and moving I believe I've upped my parenting game like 30% or so in the sense that my kids get out just about everyday to do something fun and stimulating. This week we went on a three mile walk to a new park, unfortunately the sun didnt cooperate and I had to summon a ride home, (thanks little brother Dan!) and I'm in love with this park! It has plastic tube tunnels the baby can crawl through which is a huge plus for her plus the change in scenery for our walk is welcome for all of us. Chasing my toddler around the play structure has never been so easy or FUN! I am officially of the opinion there should be adult size parks, who says we get too old to play?! 
My brother Dan and I also went on a 2 mile run this week...never run with an 18 year old boy in peak condition unless you want to feel old and slow haha. It was really nice to have a running buddy though, he pushed me to run more than average just on a competitive level. 
Memorial Day weekend was extremely eventful for my little family. We went camping and spent the weekend on the water where I got some knee boarding in, man three days later I was still feeling that in the arms, back and glutes! Monday Mother Nature decided some rain was in store so my family packed up camp and we joined some more family for a foothill hike in around some old coal mining towns. Four miles later up and down and up and down some extreme inclines my body was done and I can say I worked like a boss this weekend. 
My ab challenge got put off for the week but I started it back up this morning (Wednesday) and I'm on a mission for that!

Food Time!

I learned this week that eating a clean whole food diet is not only doable in every situation but easy as well! We ate clean all weekend even with all the junk food junkies around, chips here, candy there, BBQs and s'mores galore! The only thing I did cheat a little with is beer...I am a beer girl and it's ok in moderation. I've been experimenting with quinoa and Greek yogurt pancakes, (see my Facebook page the Human Diet for recipes) and came up with a new delicious salad. 

Dirty little habits? What habits?

Six weeks tobacco free this week! And still sticking with coconut cream and stevia for my coffee. Now for cheating, I had A small slice of chocolate cake this week...oh well. 

How I feel

This week was a little tough. I was struggling with progress and it's funny now that I think about it. I've lost 17 lbs in 6 weeks, defiantly nothing to snub my nose at. I have to look at it as a whole and remember that I have no deadline! It will happen in it's own time I have a renewed attitude about it and I'm more excited and determined than ever!

How I look

Still sliming down! I cut all my 'fat jeans' into shorts this week! The issue was the legs, they were too baggy and I like tight skinny jeans and a little more room in shorts legs so it's a perfect transition. Emptied about a quarter of my shirts from my wardrobe as they are way too big now! So so SO ready to be rid of this baby belly! It's really bugging me now. This week I also saw a picture of myself that someone else took, I didn't know they were and it was the first time I thought, damn, I look good. 
So excited for my future, I feel so much more confident already!

Well that sums it up for now! Stay tuned and check in on the Facebook page (the Human Diet) for recipes, exercise ideas and more! Have a great week!

Weigh in May 28th 
203 lbs

Down 17! Four more to 199!!!!

I'll be taking measurements next week to let a little time pass for real results. From today forward they will be biweekly. 

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