Monday, May 13, 2013

Week Four

Week Four May 13, 2013

This week was awesome! We were up to all kinds of adventure! We had a walk to the park, a total of five miles, went to a swim park, ran, and upped my workout! We went to the local farm stand and I finally grubbed down on a cheat day!

Exercise is routine!

I've gotten to the point when I miss a workout I MISS my workout! I'm not nearly as sore as I was before and I feel even stronger. I've upped my reps from 20 a piece to three sets of twenty and this week I finally achieved real push-ups!!! I'm five days away from completing the squat challenge and it's getting harder to complete. I've added in an arm workout with 2 lb weights and I pretty much just lift them every way I can think with no set pattern but my arms are way more strong than they used to be. I've never broken down my workout so here it is: I start with the squat challenge then continue with legs and do leg lifts on both sides. Next is core and abs, crunches, bicycle, butterfly kicks and planking front and both sides. I try to get in cardio everyday and pretty much do but if I don't I have two kids to chase around!


So my goal with this blog is to honestly share my journey so my readers can see the reality of the struggle to loose the pounds...with that said I was bad this week... I'm still journaling and eating clean but I found all kinds of healthy alternatives to crap food last week and found I indulged a bit much and it took away from my fruit and veg intake. Gluten free whole wheat pancakes are delicious but do not replace a nutritious breakfast. 

I love my 'diet'

Almond milk fast became a love of mine. I tried all kinds of alternatives to coffee creamer and I think I'm ok with stevia and coconut cream but I have noticed it cut back on my coffee consumption because I don't enjoy it as much and it's a good thing. Mother's Day was yesterday and I went a bit crazy though I only went over 250 calories...lets just say the German chocolate cake and mimosas were worth it. Next week I'll be cutting sugar intake down and working on more fruit and veg. 

Dirty Little Habits Becoming a Thing of the Past

I've given up smoking, (a month tomorrow!!) and coffee creamer, the processed flavored sugar garbage. Drinking used to be a weekly thing but I've cut way way back on that as well. 
How I feel

Much more confident! My clothes fit way better and I'm down two sizes!!! I have tons of energy and I find I wake even before my kids now! I much happier! I don't feel depressed at all and I used to for no reason all the time. I don't have bad breath and when I swear it doesn't smell bad.

How I Look

 My skin is clearing up and here's a funny thing, my conditioner over conditions my hair now because the roots are way more healthy! We went to a water park and I wore a swimsuit confidently! My legs don't jiggle anymore! I didn't have to hide and that was amazing. 

So this week has been another huge success. I don't know why I ever thought this was work before. I'm more excited than ever before about the future and stoked with my progress. See ya next week!

Weigh in 207
Down 12 lbs total

I started measuring this week for a more complete view of my progress. 

May 10
Chest 44
Waist 39
Hips 44
Left Leg 24
Left Arm 14

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