Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Human Diet

It just occurred to me that I've never fully explained why I call this The Human Diet or laid out what I do. So here it goes! 

I call this The Human Diet and the reason I do is its based 100% on nutrition and the natural way to be healthy and fit. No gimmicks, no punch line, no fancy stuff. I eat whole clean foods, meaning a vast majority of my diet is unprocessed and what is is lightly and still food as it was meant to be. If you can find it in nature or close to it, like bread, cheese, yogurt, then I don't eat it. I eat about 250-300 calories per meal and shoot for 150-250 for snack, however I am nursing so my calorie allotment is a little higher than average. I drink water and still allow myself two cups of coffee a day. My sweetener of choice is stevia or pure local honey. I buy organic, shop, for the most part, local, which is cheaper for me. I try to limit carbs but don't cut anything out nutrition wise. I don't not eat white sugar and I'm about to cut regular white flour. My diet is largely based on fruit and veg in raw form but I do that because I prefer it that way and I actually enjoy it so its not hard for me. I eat what I'm meant to eat as a human, hence the name. 

I workout daily. It's rarely the same workout with the exception of strength and core building which I routinely follow but regularly add to and bulk up:
Lower body-
50 Squats (since the squat challenge)
20 lunges each side
Core and abs-
Working crunch month challenge see below
And I've added side crunches to this to make it more of a challenge
20 pelvic leg lifts
20 scissor kicks
20 sit ups
20 flutter kicks
60-90 plank depending on how I feel
Arm strength-
2lb arm lifts and curls every way I can think, 20 reps a piece 
10 push-ups
20 'girly' push-ups 
10 reverse push-ups 

Cardio wise I mix it up! If it's outside and active I'm up for it! If I can't squeeze something new in my fall backs are running and long walks with the kiddos I the park. 

Well, there it is! It's not rocket science! Everything in moderation, eat what was naturally put here for you to consume and get off the couch!!! 

I also take a vitamin supplement everyday and drink enough water. If you have any questions drop by the Human Diet on Facebook add and ask away! 

Week Six!

Hey there! Sorry I'm a little behind this week seems the more we get into summer the less down time I have, which is fantastic for my blog but bad for my writing time. Lots to share about this week and particularly the weekend! 

Exercise, who knew it could be so much fun!

I have yet to note an important fact, while getting out and moving I believe I've upped my parenting game like 30% or so in the sense that my kids get out just about everyday to do something fun and stimulating. This week we went on a three mile walk to a new park, unfortunately the sun didnt cooperate and I had to summon a ride home, (thanks little brother Dan!) and I'm in love with this park! It has plastic tube tunnels the baby can crawl through which is a huge plus for her plus the change in scenery for our walk is welcome for all of us. Chasing my toddler around the play structure has never been so easy or FUN! I am officially of the opinion there should be adult size parks, who says we get too old to play?! 
My brother Dan and I also went on a 2 mile run this week...never run with an 18 year old boy in peak condition unless you want to feel old and slow haha. It was really nice to have a running buddy though, he pushed me to run more than average just on a competitive level. 
Memorial Day weekend was extremely eventful for my little family. We went camping and spent the weekend on the water where I got some knee boarding in, man three days later I was still feeling that in the arms, back and glutes! Monday Mother Nature decided some rain was in store so my family packed up camp and we joined some more family for a foothill hike in around some old coal mining towns. Four miles later up and down and up and down some extreme inclines my body was done and I can say I worked like a boss this weekend. 
My ab challenge got put off for the week but I started it back up this morning (Wednesday) and I'm on a mission for that!

Food Time!

I learned this week that eating a clean whole food diet is not only doable in every situation but easy as well! We ate clean all weekend even with all the junk food junkies around, chips here, candy there, BBQs and s'mores galore! The only thing I did cheat a little with is beer...I am a beer girl and it's ok in moderation. I've been experimenting with quinoa and Greek yogurt pancakes, (see my Facebook page the Human Diet for recipes) and came up with a new delicious salad. 

Dirty little habits? What habits?

Six weeks tobacco free this week! And still sticking with coconut cream and stevia for my coffee. Now for cheating, I had A small slice of chocolate cake this week...oh well. 

How I feel

This week was a little tough. I was struggling with progress and it's funny now that I think about it. I've lost 17 lbs in 6 weeks, defiantly nothing to snub my nose at. I have to look at it as a whole and remember that I have no deadline! It will happen in it's own time I have a renewed attitude about it and I'm more excited and determined than ever!

How I look

Still sliming down! I cut all my 'fat jeans' into shorts this week! The issue was the legs, they were too baggy and I like tight skinny jeans and a little more room in shorts legs so it's a perfect transition. Emptied about a quarter of my shirts from my wardrobe as they are way too big now! So so SO ready to be rid of this baby belly! It's really bugging me now. This week I also saw a picture of myself that someone else took, I didn't know they were and it was the first time I thought, damn, I look good. 
So excited for my future, I feel so much more confident already!

Well that sums it up for now! Stay tuned and check in on the Facebook page (the Human Diet) for recipes, exercise ideas and more! Have a great week!

Weigh in May 28th 
203 lbs

Down 17! Four more to 199!!!!

I'll be taking measurements next week to let a little time pass for real results. From today forward they will be biweekly. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Progress Five Weeks

Week Five Stayin Alive!!!

Officially over a month and still going strong!! This week I finished my squat challenge, reveal this months challenge and try out some new super foods!! it! Live it! It's part of my life!

I've discovered I love to run!! I picked up some hand and ankle weights and I've been going father and longer each time. It's such a great escape! Walking is great with the kids but having this time for myself is fantastic! Only downfall is my shins! They kill! But here's to waiting out being fit enough for that to not happen anymore...I've completed the squat challenge! One month of kicking my own butt! The results are astounding! My thighs are super tight and have hardly any softness left to them, my butt is nice and lifted and firm and my legs are super strong! This months challenge is for the abs! Starting at 20 adding 5 everyday of crunches, bicycle and crunches to each side. Here's to a tight core! I find working out is so much fun for me now! I feel like I'm shaping my body, molding it into what I want it to be and flexing what I've worked for thus's almost like working out is really playing with my new shiny toy of a healthy body!   

This Week's Ingestibles 

I've discovered that Raleys  is a fantastic grocer who carries a vast selection of health foods, which is a super plus for anyone working to learn to eat clean! I'm on a Greek yogurt kick, have one everyday with chia seed. Chia is super high in nutritional value and way easy to add to all sorts of things but the best thing is it's a fantastic natural detox aid and will clean you out super quick! I feel amazing! Still living on my green leaf salads and eggs on the regular. Food is great but organic clean food is devine! 

No More Dirty Little Habits!

I'm five weeks tobacco free this week! And as for my coffee I still enjoy two cups a day, which is ok by my standard, and I found out So Coconut products makes hazelnut creamer! When I can't find the flavored I go with plain and use a packet of stevia and it satisfies me. 

How I Feel

I'm pretty sure it's obvious, as I notice all the exclamation points above, but I am so happy with life right now! My body feels and looks amazing! I have tons of energy, I'm eager to get ready in the morning. Everyone around me is starting to notice a change on their own and I love that! 

How I Look

My clothes fit so much better and are even getting a little big! My stomach is weeks away from being flat, I just know it, and that's been years! I have a skin condition called milia, my pores are so tight they don't release sebum (oil) and so it turns into a hard granule, almost like sand, and gets stuck there. These are coming to the surface and being extracted on the regular for the last few days, a first since I learned of the issue in 2005.  

I am hooked. I'm becoming passionate about where my food comes from and not just for taste but because it what I use to fuel my body (shameless plug: March Against Monsanto May 25th, google it for location and if you don't know what Monsanto is please take the time to do some research, this company along with a few others are
Poisoning our food, ground and water, control the FDA and even have legislation passed where it's illegal to stop them even if it's found they are hurting people or the environment). I love my new lifestyle and it's paying off for myself and my children! 

Weigh in May 19th
Down 16 pounds!

May 10
Chest 44
Waist 39
Hips 44
Left Leg 24
Left Arm 14

May 22
Chest 44
Waist 39
Hips 44
Left leg 23.5
Left arm 13.5

Monday, May 13, 2013

Week Four

Week Four May 13, 2013

This week was awesome! We were up to all kinds of adventure! We had a walk to the park, a total of five miles, went to a swim park, ran, and upped my workout! We went to the local farm stand and I finally grubbed down on a cheat day!

Exercise is routine!

I've gotten to the point when I miss a workout I MISS my workout! I'm not nearly as sore as I was before and I feel even stronger. I've upped my reps from 20 a piece to three sets of twenty and this week I finally achieved real push-ups!!! I'm five days away from completing the squat challenge and it's getting harder to complete. I've added in an arm workout with 2 lb weights and I pretty much just lift them every way I can think with no set pattern but my arms are way more strong than they used to be. I've never broken down my workout so here it is: I start with the squat challenge then continue with legs and do leg lifts on both sides. Next is core and abs, crunches, bicycle, butterfly kicks and planking front and both sides. I try to get in cardio everyday and pretty much do but if I don't I have two kids to chase around!


So my goal with this blog is to honestly share my journey so my readers can see the reality of the struggle to loose the pounds...with that said I was bad this week... I'm still journaling and eating clean but I found all kinds of healthy alternatives to crap food last week and found I indulged a bit much and it took away from my fruit and veg intake. Gluten free whole wheat pancakes are delicious but do not replace a nutritious breakfast. 

I love my 'diet'

Almond milk fast became a love of mine. I tried all kinds of alternatives to coffee creamer and I think I'm ok with stevia and coconut cream but I have noticed it cut back on my coffee consumption because I don't enjoy it as much and it's a good thing. Mother's Day was yesterday and I went a bit crazy though I only went over 250 calories...lets just say the German chocolate cake and mimosas were worth it. Next week I'll be cutting sugar intake down and working on more fruit and veg. 

Dirty Little Habits Becoming a Thing of the Past

I've given up smoking, (a month tomorrow!!) and coffee creamer, the processed flavored sugar garbage. Drinking used to be a weekly thing but I've cut way way back on that as well. 
How I feel

Much more confident! My clothes fit way better and I'm down two sizes!!! I have tons of energy and I find I wake even before my kids now! I much happier! I don't feel depressed at all and I used to for no reason all the time. I don't have bad breath and when I swear it doesn't smell bad.

How I Look

 My skin is clearing up and here's a funny thing, my conditioner over conditions my hair now because the roots are way more healthy! We went to a water park and I wore a swimsuit confidently! My legs don't jiggle anymore! I didn't have to hide and that was amazing. 

So this week has been another huge success. I don't know why I ever thought this was work before. I'm more excited than ever before about the future and stoked with my progress. See ya next week!

Weigh in 207
Down 12 lbs total

I started measuring this week for a more complete view of my progress. 

May 10
Chest 44
Waist 39
Hips 44
Left Leg 24
Left Arm 14

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week Three, May 5th, 2013

Still going strong this week and feeling strong as well. I spent the time experimenting with new foods and new exercises and learning about where my food comes from, where I can find good food and why it's so important to know and do these things. Catch the link below to find out for yourself.

Exercise! Yes, please!

This week I've been super active. I ran two nights, went on an eight mile walk in bad wind and pushing a jogging stroller and kept up my regular routines. I'm on day 18 today of the squat challenge!

My body is sore everyday but it's getting less and less as time goes. I actually feel strong! My legs are powerful and i can feel it in my stride. When I just go walking I walk super fast because it feels good as sometimes I even break into a jog. On our day trip to San Francisco we walked 8.8 miles and I wasn't even tired!! I kept taking off at a jog with the stroller because I felt like it. What a change!!! I've never had more energy and passion to get up and get out!

Getting to know THE enemy, Monsonto, and the big switch

I've always wondered about the organic movement and have splurged on a few items a few times because supposedly it was better for you. The science behind GMOs in our food is undeniable and not the risk to gamble on. I've switched to a primarily organic diet except in the case of not being able to find it that way, like brussle sprouts which I'm quite fond of. Pay fast attention to the dirty dozen, I don't touch those wether I can find them or not. I went to the local farm stand and picked up a majority of my produce, for locals it's 'The Stand' in Kightson and I highly recommend it for quality, fair price, care of your food, it's all organic, and the have a huge variety including most staple fruit and veg, local honey, olive oils and farm fresh eggs the hens that run around the property free lay, (plus its a mom and pop and they're there everyday and I've never seen anyone else work there and I think that's cute haha). Then we went to Trader Joes and finished up groceries. There I picked up some real peanut butter, maple syrup, tons of rice, quinoa, Greek yogurt, and a ton more. I'm expanding my menu and it's amazing. I juiced for the first time! One part tomato three parts watermelon and it was surprisingly delicious! I guess they're complimentary flavors???

My diet and things taste better!

I notice the natural taste of ingredients becoming the tastes I search for when I take a bite now. It's not so much enjoying what I'm putting in my mouth because of what it is rather enjoying the taste.
I had one of day this week though...I couldn't get enough to eat for the life of me! I'd finish something and already be on the way to my next craving! Thankfully I was able to control a majority of it and if I couldn't resist the urge to eat I made good choices and didnt pay too bad. I've cut down my cholesterol sodium and sugar intakes, fat and protein are not as big of an issue for me. I also found this website,
It's a search engine to find local and fresh from farmers to mills, farmers market to actual markets. Great resource!

My dirty little habits disappearing one by one

I'm not forcing myself to do any of this by the way. It feels good. Tuesday I'm three weeks off cigarettes! I haven't been drinking and I've even cut out coffee creamer, I sub it with plain almond milk now. I did cheat yesterday in the city, I had a coconut haystack from a chocolatier but it was my first real cheat and I earned it.

How I feel

I'm ready to take on the world!! Full of energy and never tired in the morning even if I don't get too much sleep, as mothers of young children rarely do. I find myself planning the next day's adventure while sitting around at night, or I go running because I can't sit still! The last time I went my legs hurt really bad. I had hurt my shins last week before I got my running shoes and it's still taking a toll on me. I wasn't very bright that night and pushed through the pain but should have stopped short and came home. Here's to hoping my shins will recover quickly.

How I look

I'm toning up beautifully and I can tell it won't be long before you can see definition. I'm much more trim and when I chose clothes now it's not so much for what 'makes me look skinny' as what's cute. I just look so much better all around.
My skin is clear, I barely sweat even in 90 degrees, and my breath is fresh.

So this week has been pretty amazing. I feel like this is not only the life I'm going to live but I don't even know how I could ever go back. No fears of regression and all of my cravings are for a natural item, not Oreos or chips. Going strong! Catch you next week!

Weigh in at 210 lbs
Dropping and toning!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Natures Bounty

I've decided to start posting new recipes and share discoveries I make ingredient and fitness wise. I'll still be posting my weekly entries an photo journal.

Breakfast: basic egg white scramble

Egg whites
Red Bell Pepper
Red Onion
Heavy Cream

Pre heat non stick pan. It's a good idea to invest in some high quality cookware because when a pan is done right it allows you to cook evenly, deliciously and without any aids like fatty butter or oil.
While heating the pan chop garlic, onion and pepper. Sauté. Whip egg whites with cream and pepper. Add to veg combo and stir constantly minding the bottom of the skillet. Eggs are done when light and fluffy and they don't look wet anymore.

Lunch: Brussel Sprouts, the right way!

This is a veg that I've fallen for hard! It gets a bad wrap because web it's over cooked it releases sulfur and the taste is just offensive. Every person I've ever made these for swore they hated them until they tried them this way! I add them to salads, eat them as a side with eggs or as a snack.

Beussel Sprouts sliced four ways vertically, be sure they're all about equal is size for balanced cooking
Garlic (which I obviously love as well)
Black pepper
Pink Hymalayan Salt

Heat skillet with oil and garlic. When hot add sprouts, pepper and lightly salt to taste. Constantly move them to avoid burns and make sure to get all sides equally. They should only take 2-3 minuets to cook and they'll have a super green healthy look to them.

Dinner: Turkey Tacos

Ground lean turkey
Pico DeGallo
Shredded Cheese
Black Beans
Whole Wheat Tortillas

Prepare pico ( chopped tomato, red onion, cilantro, and jalapino), *guac can be made by just mixing pico in with mashed avocado and some lemon juice, shred cheese, strain black beans and prepare in pot on stove with a little water. Brown turkey and season with garlic and onions. Never serve a tortilla cold so warm them up a bit, if you use a microwave make sure to dampen the too and bottom ones, middle too if there is a lot, so they stay nice and moist. Put it all together and enjoy!

Dessert: Sweet Potatoes and Apple

Sweet Potato
Olive Oil

Slice the potato and apple, heat oil on stove, toss it all in with cinnamon. This one kills my sweet tooth and gets in my carbs!

Tomorrow, my strength routine that kills my body!! (In such a good way)