Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week Two Done!

Week Two - Monday April 29th

I'm weighing up this week... Not stoked about that. I've been diligently journaling my eating and doing both strength and cardio training to the point where I HAD to take a day off today because I can hardly move...With that said I am still happy with the progress I'm seeing in the mirror so I guess that's the thing to reflect on.

Am I Really starting to be ok with exercise???

So I've been sticking with my workout plan and have pretty much solidified it for now. I know what I'm working on and why, what I want to fix and how. I'm on day 14 of the squat challenge which means 135 squats...not happening today, haha, tomorrow it is! I do push-ups, as many as I can and I've gotten to 70 in one day! I started at the beginning of the week with two actual full sit-ups and can do ten solidly now. I get in at least 200 cals of cardio a day, except one day off this week plus I'm nursing so that knocks a few off as well! My thighs are so tender, the worst, along with my tush, shins, abs and feet. My wrists hurt for a day after the 70 push ups. I've got a whole core training workout which involves sit-ups, planking front left and right, flutter kicks and several moves like them. I finally got good running shoes two days ago!! My shins were killing because I was running and walking in flip flops and toms...bad idea. So now I'm paying a bit but did walk today and I'm hoping this day of rest will pay off and I can hit it again tomorrow!

Getting to know my enemy: food

I mentioned 'Hungry for Change' in my last entry and while it still tops my list (I have a list now!!) of foodimenturies I'm enthralled by the wide wonderful world of Netflix where it seems numbers of vegan and vegetarians have produced and release exposé pieces covering everything from basic nutrition to corporate greed mongers and their attack on the public fork style. The great thing is its not so much in defense of the lifestyle as its meant to educate and what they say is backed with scientific and easy to follow common sense ideals. With that in mind I liked 'Forks Over knives' and 'Food Matters', great info, everyone should know this stuff. I'm learning the importance of ingredient lists and what the nutrition labels ACTUALLY mean. I really thought if I cut crap food out (empty calories) and just replaced it with whatever I wanted, as long as it wasnt processed and was REAL food I was doing it right. Turns out it's all a delicate balance but I'm learning the science of that and thanks to 'My Fitness Pal' an app for my phone I've logged every bite I've taken and every calorie I've burned, minus strength cause it doesn't account for that...kinda sucks...but it gives me like a nutrition label for MY body and I love that.

My Diet and what I love to eat

I've pretty much sworn off egg yolks now after discovering the enormous amount of cholesterol one single egg doles out but I do have egg whites just about every morning with some pico and a light amount of cheese when I want to splurge. I got bored of it one morning and made an egg sandwich with 15 grain. Tomorrow I'm buying a mix of wheat squares, wheat flakes, whole oats and Ezekiel to mix with fruits and almond milk...see how that goes but it sounds amazing. Lots of fruit and veg and I've been amazing with my vitamin and water intake. Another up for this week, green smoothies...we'll see about that haha. I've been sticking with non processed foods but now looking to cut a lot of fatty foods I've held onto thinking they were healthy for god knows what reason. Next weeks entry on this will rock, promise.

My other nasty habits

This weekend was a friend of mines 30th bday and so I went out. Had a few, oops...but that was my only cheat all week so were golden if you ask me :)
Haven't smoked a cigarette in two weeks tomorrow!!! Woot! Been puffing on this e cig thing, a much better alternative but only a device to quit for me...I didn't go into it believing that but I am sure about it now.

How I feel

Still very energetic!!! However I find after a long day I'm ready to hit the sack! Early lights out for me this week but I've woken bright and early with the kids ready to up and go which is defiantly a first. Also full of confidence and loving getting ready for the day, again it's been a while for that.

How I look

There's new major definition from my chest to my stomach! Also starting to feel my abs under the fat and can see a little definition in my arms, shoulders and legs. I'll be picking up a measuring tape for measurements this week.

In conclusion it's been a good week. I learned to stop looking at that dumb scale! I'm so excited about nutrition and finding the perfect balance for myself. This next week ill be working on more kid friendly menus and workouts I can do with my tot.

Weigh in at 216 lbs
Reminding myself it's about how I feel and look, not a number

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