Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Quest

I've always considered myself one of the 'bigger' girls...in high school when I looked in the mirror I saw a much larger, widely unattractive person staring back at me. My whole family is the portrait of American health, now over the years I have a collection of relatives that have undergone gastric bypass surgery. It's funny how looks can dictate the way someone feels about their whole life but have no understanding of how they do it to themselves or how to change it, really. I never understood why the people I watched struggle with weight were constantly on a diet but could never loose the weight. I didn't see them toting around KFC buckets with them at every family gathering and they all had jobs and kids and didn't just sit around all day watching Jerry...What was the common factor here? Of course, it's lifestyle, but the way they ate was just about the same as everyone else, right?

Today's modern media sensationalizes disgusting food choices. It's sold to you just about every waking moment. What do you do to socialize? Get some dinner? Go for drinks? How about the movies...popcorn anyone? Concerts, beer. Big event? Salmon or steak? Just about everything we do as a society is based around the thing most people spend the most money on daily, eating. Problem is were a society of waste and instant gratification. It is much more cost effective to produce a lower quality product quickly in mass numbers and sell it for less than the quality counterpart, common sense right? So why is it, even though we know it's bad for us, we have no problem picking up that third can of soda for the day or eating a widely carb based diet high in sodium and fat? Is it in the education, or ignorance in this case? Are we all just lazy? Or is the Styrofoam crap were calling food just not cutting it and our bodies want to eat and eat and gorge until your stomach just can't take anymore...is it because were nutritionally starved? Do you really know what is in a produce section? Like not just staples but a good lay out? Do you understand what the label means when it says '150 calories from fat'?

Three weeks ago I decided to embark on a journey to wellness. Not for the looks of it, I'm not even on the market anymore thanks to handsome, but because I was driving along a few weeks ago and felt a sudden pain in my chest. I pulled over and waited a few minuets until it dissipated. It happened again a week later. I knew what a doctor would say, I ate garbage! I'm almost 30 and under an amazing amount of stress. So I figured the two and a half year old and nine month old in the back seat would much appreciate having a mom around for a while...a week later I was ready to begin and cut the excuses and got to it.

My next posts will be all about my journey. I'll write them weekly, Sundays is the goal. I'll be keeping a written and photo journal. This is a normal average American girl's quest to learn about nutrition and how the body is supposed to be fed and treated. You'll see my ups and downs and in betweens. Happy reading!

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